Now believing that Alice truly healed Hagan’s condition, the tree is officially declared a shrine, and Banfield starts to gain more tourism. Natalie later does an x-ray for Hagan and compares it to one from a while back where his condition looked far more severe. As Gerry calls for an ambulance, Alice places her hand on Hagan’s chest, and he suddenly finds himself breathing normally again.

He starts to have a violent coughing episode where he collapses. Gerry sits in at the church with Delgarde while Alice practices singing with Hagan. Hagan goes to the tree and sees the doll on the ground, all while a ghostly apparition appears to stalk him. Alice herself becomes a media sensation, and the tree is set to become a shrine. Gerry meets Bishop Gyles (Cary Elwes), who is working with Monsignor Delgarde (Diogo Morgado), sent by The Vatican to investigate whether or not Alice really did perform a divine miracle. Inside the church, the statue of the Virgin Mary appears to cry blood. To the astonishment of everyone, the boy is able to do so. Alice speaks for Mary and tells Toby to walk. A young paraplegic boy, Toby Walsh (Danny and Sonny Corbo), is brought forward.
The next day, the townspeople return to the tree to see if another miracle can be performed. Gerry later has a dream of a ghostly woman rising from a nearby creek and crawling out. She reminds Gerry that he was fired for faking a story, and she doesn’t want to hear what he has to say. While Natalie runs tests on Alice, Gerry reports to his former employer, Monica Slade (Christine Adams). She claims she is hearing the voice of Mary herself, who is requesting through Alice that everyone return to the tree the next day. After standing there for a moment, Alice speaks again, surprising everyone. The people follow her and watch as she goes to the tree. He goes to church where Hagan preaches, and during the sermon, Alice stands up after staring at a statue of the Virgin Mary and starts walking out. Gerry sticks around Banfield to potentially get a story for his employers with a religious angle to it.